My Books, With Evidence

While I’ve mostly been posting on public forums recently, over the past couple of years I have published two books – both of which establish my relationship with the entertainment industry as well as the backdrop of political conspiracy that has surrounded recent major world events.

Both books, Infinity Stoned and An American Reich, are available on Amazon.

For context, Infinity Stoned is a scientific treatise on time travel coupled with an expose of the uncredited and often unofficial consulting that I’ve done in Hollywood over the years, mostly focusing on Marvel and how the films have reflected real-world political situations, especially with regards to Nazi infiltration of the American intelligence apparatus. It’s comedic in tone but the contents are very serious.

An American Reich: Exposing The Nazi Cult In The CIA is a much more straightforward narrative and, though some details have been changed and there is much more additional context at this point, it should and could serve as evidence in an eventual investigation into the group that I’ve dealt with for many many years, The Reich. I was raised in a Satanic Nazi Death Cult and that is not an exaggeration, even in the slightest.

I recognize that there are going to be a lot of questions about myself and my motivations, but I hope that these books help to explain myself.

Future works are in progress.



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