What are The Time Traveler Tapes?

What are The Time Traveler Tapes?

In late 2022, I began recording myself every minute of every day for weeks. I was being contacted by individuals associated with the US federal government and while I had begun the recording as a safety measure, the longer I left it going, the more I recognized that I could perceive the future audience listening to it. Any artist will tell you that they have a very specific feeling when they know that someone is enjoying or valuing their work. I thought it was that at first, until I started seeing the conversations I was having with others, some on the other side of the world, reflected on the news.

I began reaching out to the people who I believed that I was speaking with and many of them have replied and confirmed it. I’ve spoken with individuals who are all over the world and have records of many of those communications. Not only that, we recognized that our conversations were not just affecting the present, but the past as well. We started passing information back and forth and recognized that some of the events we were discussing had yet to come to pass. I began experiencing extreme deja vu and synchronicities, as well as visions of the future that actually came to pass.

In 2021, I began to receive messages from the future. It wasn’t until 2022 that I recognized that many of those messages were from myself and others who were working on the project remotely, both in the present and in the future, once the methodology seemed to have caught on. Then, the memories started to come back. I had somehow triggered a complicated spacetime event with my communications and my own personal history was suddenly filled with time travelers; some trying to help me, some trying to stop me, but all trying to shape the future.

Time travel is complicated, but as soon as it exists, it will always be able to affect the past. The effects of a universe with time travel have already been felt because it already exists in the future and always will. Some form of future temporal awareness seems to be an innate ability, but scientific confirmation has yet eluded us. I hope to change that.

Starting two weeks ago, I began posting explicit statements about future news events, including a proposed ceasefire in Gaza and the results of the Trump trial, which have since occurred. I will be posting further future news here, but also provide individuals the framework with which they themselves can carry out similar experiments at home. The eventual hope is to prove, without a shadow of doubt, that time travel is achievable, real, and worth dedicating scientific research towards.

I will be posting photos, research, and recordings from the initial research, as well as future findings, notes, and commentaries on the future. There will also be a forum for others to share their thoughts about the future and discuss what they themselves have seen. The future seems decent and I hope that if this site does anything, it’s remind people that it’s all our futures, all in one. As someone very important to me once said, eternity is eternity for everyone. Nobody is going to get left out or left behind, not in the future I see. If even a bit of it is true, it’s a future worth experiencing.





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